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What to Do if Your Car Key is Stuck in the Ignition

Affordable Essential Security for Residential Properties

Hey let’s face it; not everyone can afford high fences, security guards and drive-by security services to help them keep their homes safe. That does not, however, mean that it’s impossible to take extra measures to keep your home safe. There are plenty of things a conscientious homeowner can do to increase the security around their property in an affordable manner. In this article, we will go over several of them.

Inexpensive Home Security Steps

Here are a few affordable measures that anyone can take to improve the safety and security around their home. 

  • Improve exterior lighting

This is one of the most overlooked security measures at any house. Why you might ask? Because dimly lit areas around your home are a magnet for would-be thieves. Think about it; if you were a thief would you try to break in a home that was all lit up by lights or one that had some areas around it that were not lit up at all? There is a reason as to why most home invasions and burglaries take place at night and that reason is that low light conditions decrease chances of intruders being caught. 

  • Add alarms and surveillance

There are few things that will deter a would-be thief more than a home that has a good security system in place and some strategically placed security cameras. Thieves know that these things greatly increase their chances of getting caught and nobody likes the thought of going to jail. Home alarm systems are reasonably priced because of all the competition in the business and good surveillance systems can be bought cheaply online and installed by you.

  • Upgrade locks

If you had your home locks inspected by a professional the results may shock you. Most homes everywhere you look have locks in them that are not working properly or have locks that are so out of date they can easily be defeated by thieves. This is why it’s never a bad idea to have a locksmith professional come to your home and do a lock evaluation. Many locksmith companies offer this service at no charge. They can tell you which of your home locks need repairing or upgrading after they finish with your lock inspection.

One of the most vulnerable places as far as home security is concerned is windows. That’s because most people assume their factory installed window locks offer good protection. This is hardly the case. Home security experts usually recommend upgrading the locks on your windows to help protect you and your valuables better.

  • Add extra locks

The saying ‘the more the merrier’ applies to locks around the home too. There are usually places where many people only have a single lock where an extra one can be installed at a minimal cost. This is true of doors that do not have extra deadbolt locks on them and sliding or screen doors that only have their original factory locks. Adding an extra lock here or there on exposed exterior entry places will always enhance your home’s security.

  • Key security is a must

Most people will stash a key around their home in case they accidentally forget their key someplace or lose it. This is a big no-no. Many homes are broken into easily each year with keys that are found in obvious places such as in containers near doors and under mats. Try having your trusted neighbor keep an extra key for you or keep a spare one in your wallet.

Also, be wary of who you give your keys too. Instead of doing such things as giving your landscaper a key to your garage, leave outside the locked garage what they need to do their job. If you feel you cannot trust someone who previously had access to your home keys, then make sure you get your locks remastered too. Remastering your locks on an annual basis is a good habit to get into also.

  • Cut down tall shrubs and bushes that block windows

Shrubs and hedges enhance your home’s looks but they can also help thieves gain access to your home undetected. That’s because these types of greenery can hide thieves easily if they are trying to get into your home through a window. Neighbors or those that pass by can no longer see them after they go behind hedges or shrubs. So, make sure you never let your shrubs and hedges grow above window height in the areas where they are planted near your windows.

  • Involve neighbors

Does your neighborhood have an active community watch program? If not, why don’t you think about starting one? This is where communities get together and take turns walking or patrolling the area at night. These have proven very effective for being a deterrent for crime in the neighborhoods that have them. At the very least, get together with your neighbors and agree to keep an eye on each other’s homes for suspicious activities around them.

  • Man’s best friend can help too

Do you have a dog? Preferably one that barks when they hear something they don’t like. One bark from a dog is a big deterrent for would-be thieves. Why is that you may be wondering? It’s because a barking dog not only increases the chances of a thief getting caught but it could present a big problem for them once they get inside your home too. So, think about getting a dog if you don’t already have one.

Above All Else Practice Good Security Routines

Making good security habits will help increase the safety of your home too. That’s doing such things as diligently checking your locks after everyone is home for the night and making sure your home’s security systems are all functioning properly. Make sure your entire family is on the same page as far as the security steps you take around your home too.